Ableton Live Music Production Course | Bay Area
Learn to produce the music you love using Ableton Live on our interactive and engaging course in small classes on this short 36-hour course from our more comprehensive Ableton Producer Program.
As well as being a perfect introduction for beginners, this course is suitable for intermediate self-taught Ableton users. You will learn how to improve your workflow, design sounds, compose and finish songs!
View the dropdown boxes below to discover what you will learn in this class. Listed material is not in chronological order, and class material is not limited to these topics.

Getting Started
- Interface Overview and preferences
- Arrangement and Session View
- MIDI and Audio Clips
- Basic Templates and Track Defaults
- Saving Projects and Library Organization
Creating MIDI and Audio
- MIDI Notes and Building Beats
- Clip View and Clip Properties
- The Piano Roll and the Beat Grid
- Warping and Quantizing Audio
- Audio Manipulation and Resampling
Ableton’s Instruments and Devices
- Drum Racks and Building Beats
- Simpler and Sampler
- Synthesis Basics
- Deep Dive into Analog, Wavetable and Operator
- Max4Live and 3rd Party Plugins
- FX and Automation
Constructing the Song
- Starting an Idea in Session View
- Basic Music Theory and Cheats
- Constructing Chords, Melodies and Basslines
- Song Structure
- Finalizing Arrangements
Recording and Engineering
- Audio Interfaces and Recording Live Instrumentation
- Setting up MIDI Controllers and MIDI Mapping
- Basics of Sound Waves, Frequency and Amplitude
- Understanding EQ and Compression
- Introduction to Mixing
Advanced Techniques
- Editing Arrangements
- Track Grouping and Routing
- Ableton Racks and Chains
- Push 2
- Introduction to Mastering
Additional Info
- This course supports Ableton for Mac and PC.
- Headphones and MIDI keyboards are available to use.
- Download a free 30 day trial of Ableton Suite here.
36 Hours | $2199 + $100 Registration
Use the ‘CONNECT’ button below to request schedule and pricing information. One of our placement experts will follow up within a business day. For one-to-one lessons, see our Music Production Private Instruction page.